Rudimental Grooving

One of my favorite ways to teach my more advanced students to apply rudiments to the drumset is in a groove context.  Each of the rudimental grooves below will have you focusing on a specific rudiment with a groove orchestration inspired by some of my favorite grooves.

Each Rudimental Groove first has a groove prep version to be played on the snare only.  After mastering the groove prep, you will play the exact same exercise with the hands for the full Rudimental Groove, but with the hands moved to different sound sources, and the bass drum added in to complete the exercise.

New! Click on titles to listen to audio examples (currently only available for 5-Stroke Digital Delay)

Paradiddles are Hip!


Kissing My Radiddlepa’s


Neil “Peart”adiddle-diddles


More Coming soon!!